ASVAB Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension

April 11, 2018 Yvonne Johnson No comments exist

ASVAB Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension

 Test Preparation Strategies


The Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension sections of the ASVAB test measure how many words you can define and your ability to understand the context in which the words are used. So building up your vocabulary is necessary in order to improve your reading comprehension. The more you read, the better you get at understanding the context in which the words are used.

Here are some great tips on improving your vocabulary:




Read. Don’t watch that soap opera or talent show on TV!  Grab a good book and start reading. Put away all of the distractions such as your laptop, phone, and TV.




Keep notes. Whenever you find new words or words of interest write them down in a notebook along with their definitions. Writing the words down will help you remember them.







Write. Keep a journal or start writing about something that you feel passionate about and use the new words that you have encountered.




Get interested in new things. Try to explore different areas that you know nothing about. You will learn lots of new words and you will gain knowledge on a topic previously unknown to you.



Here are some splendid websites that will help you prepare for the ASVAB Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension sub-tests: – This website provides an interactive way of learning new words and improving your vocabulary. Its dictionary consists of thousands of questions and sentences to help you learn new words. It also tracks your progress so that you can get better at the topics where you are having difficulties.
 – Online dictionary to help you find out the meaning of the new words that you encounter. The website also has many word games and great articles that will surely improve your vocabulary.





Merriam-Webster Online – This website includes a dictionary, thesaurus, word of the day, audio pronunciations, word games and many other resources to assist you while learning new words.


 – A fun and interactive vocabulary builder. The best part is that for every word that you guess right the website donates 10 grains of rice to help end world hunger.






Visual Dictionary – Also a Merriam-Webster website. This dictionary has visual graphics to help you better understand your search words.



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